What, Why And How
Vaccines,What Are They
A vaccine is a biological specimen used to cure or fix a disease or the body. A vaccine typically contains a disease-causing microorganism and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins.
The vaccines effectiveness is extraordinary since it has the capability to cure or fix any infection or disease. But there are some limitations to the vaccine’s effectiveness! For example, the effectiveness of vaccinations is limited by your age, health or nutritional status. Even if the host does develop antibiotics, protection may not be adequate, Immunity might develop too slowly to be effective in time. However even a partial, late, or weak immunity such as one resulting from cross immunity to a strain other than the target strain may mitigate an infection, resulting in a lower mortality rate. Lower morbidity, and faster recovery.
Vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to cure a disease, now don't get confused with vaccines because vaccinations is, the way that the vaccine enters your body. How? Well the thin needle that has an injected vaccine enters your body to cure your disease.
- Alberta Health